Welcome to Our Web Site!

The Metropolis of Boston Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is pleased to welcome you to its home on the World Wide Web. This wonderful tool will be used to help expand our music ministry as we reach out to more church musicians and disseminate information in a timely manner. Look for information on upcoming concerts, events and music news from around the Metropolis of Boston and the Archdiocese of America

The Metropolis of Boston Federation was established in 1946 as the first Church Music Federation in the United States (previously known as the New England Federation of Greek Orthodox Choirs). It is now one of Eight Church Music Federations of the Archdiocese of America who are linked together through the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians, the official auxiliary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

We look forward to your comments and feedback.

Federation Spotlight

Annual Spring CMI (Church Music Institute)

The 2025 Spring CMI will take place this year on Saturday, March 22nd at the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church in Somerville, MA

Click here to download the CMI Flyer

Morning Session:

“A Tale of Two Cities—The Presanctified Liturgy”
Rev. Fr. Philip Zymaris, ThD
Associate Professor of Liturgics
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA

Afternoon Session:

“The Joy of Choral Singing”
Maria Jane Loizou, MM., Vocal Pedagogy
Vocal Instructor, Masterclass Clinician

Breakfast and Luncheon is included for all CMI participants.

Please note: There is NO Registration Fee to attend. However, we ask that you RSVP to sargeros@comcast.net so that we can plan for our catering needs.

The Church Music Institute is co-sponsored by the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians and the Metropolis of Boston Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians.

For more information contact Sophia Argeros at sargeros@comcast.net


The 2025 Federation Conference will be held on from Friday, October 31st to Sunday, November 2nd. The location will be announced shortly.

Music: Liturgical Setting by Constantine Limberakis

Upcoming Events

  • Spring CMI (Church Music Institute)
    Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
    Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church
    29 Central Street, Somerville, MA
  • Annual Federation Conference
    Friday, October 31 to Sunday, November 2, 2025
    Location TBD

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